The Open Seas In My Dreams

Perhaps these dreams are more than mere figments of imagination; perhaps they are a call to explore the hidden facets of ourselves and our connection to the world. Jung posited that the sea symbolizes our innermost thoughts and emotions, a reflection of our instincts and the mysterious forces that drive us.
Doulalar İçin Yazı Atölyesi

İlkini Mart 2023’te düzenlediğimiz Doulalar İçin Yazı Atölyesi’nin ikincisi Ekim ayında gerçekleşecek. Bu kez tüm doulaların katılımına açık olacak atölye, beş hafta boyunca uygulayacağımız yazma egzersizleri ile dolu dolu olacak.
Navigating the Tides of Menstrual Cycle with Mindful Living

One aspect of modern well-being that’s capturing attention is mindfulness. It’s not just a passing fad but a timeless wisdom that has journeyed from the East to the West over thousands of years. Now rebranded as “mindful living,” this philosophy can be seamlessly integrated into virtually every aspect of our lives. Even for menstrual cycles. […]
The Medicalization of Childbirth: A Necessary Change or a Lost Art?

As we delve into the modern birthing experience, one term frequently comes into focus: the ‘medicalization of childbirth.’ It represents a significant shift from age-old, traditional birthing practices to a world dominated by medical intervention and clinical settings. But what does this change mean for mothers, and how does it impact the childbirth experience? In […]