Giving Birth in Türkiye: What Every Expat Mother Needs to Know

Birth in Turkiye

Giving Birth in Türkiye: Doula Support for Expats

Learn what expat mothers should expect when giving birth in Türkiye. Discover how a professional doula can support you through every step.

Türkiye, with its rich history and vibrant culture, is a fascinating country to call home. However, for many expats, navigating the healthcare system—especially during pregnancy and childbirth—can feel overwhelming at first. While Türkiye offers excellent medical care, its healthcare system is vast and often works differently compared to what you may be used to in your home country. Knowing how the processes work can greatly ease your journey into parenthood here.

From finding the right doctor to understanding the frequency of prenatal visits, preparing for birth in Türkiye comes with its own unique considerations. Türkiye’s healthcare system is comprehensive, but for newcomers, it may sometimes seem confusing. Familiarizing yourself with how things work will not only help you feel more confident but also ensure that you make informed decisions about your birth experience here.

Throughout this journey, having the support of a doula can be incredibly valuable. A doula helps you navigate the local healthcare system, offers emotional and physical support, and ensures you feel prepared and empowered at every step of the way.

1. Understanding Birth in Türkiye

Türkiye offers two primary types of hospitals for childbirth: public and private. While public hospitals provide comprehensive maternity services, including free care for those covered by the national health insurance (SGK), many expats prefer private hospitals. This preference is often due to advantages such as having English-speaking staff, the ability to have your partner present during labor, and the opportunity to select a doctor to guide you through the entire process.

In Türkiye, some doctors work with multiple private hospitals while also running their own private clinics. If you choose to work with such a doctor, you will typically attend your prenatal appointments at their clinic, and when it’s time to give birth, you will deliver at one of the private hospitals with which the doctor is affiliated. This option allows for continuity of care and the comfort of knowing your doctor will be present at the birth.

2. Home Birth in Türkiye

Home births are also an option in Türkiye and are legally permitted. However, since the healthcare system does not fully support home births, it’s crucial to carefully plan your birth team and have a hospital ready for any emergencies.

Working with a private doctor or midwife experienced in home births will ensure that your needs are met in the safest way possible.

3. Pregnancy Care

You can begin meeting with your doctor from the earliest stages of pregnancy and continue regular check-ups throughout. During these appointments, you will monitor your pregnancy’s progress, undergo tests appropriate for your stage of pregnancy, and share your journey with your doctor. As your expected due date approaches, these visits may become more frequent.

In every neighborhood across Türkiye, there are small local clinics known as “Family Health Centers” (Aile Sağlığı Merkezleri). Every resident of the neighborhood is assigned to a general practitioner at these centers, where you can receive basic check-ups, get vaccinations, and handle necessary official medical paperwork. These clinics also have midwives and nurses available for routine health needs.

Birth in Turkiye

4. Natural Childbirth in Türkiye

One common concern for expectant mothers in Türkiye is the high rate of cesarean sections and medical interventions. Unfortunately, cesarean rates in Türkiye are significantly higher than the global average and far exceed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations. I’ve discussed the reasons behind these high cesarean rates in detail in another article, “Why Cesarean Rates Are High in Türkiye”. Procedures such as epidurals, induction of labor, and episiotomies are also frequently performed. However, there is a growing number of hospitals and professionals who respect birth preferences and actively support natural childbirth.

5. Cost of Birth in Türkiye

The cost of childbirth in Türkiye varies greatly depending on your city and region. In private hospitals, the total cost for prenatal care and delivery in 2024 can range from 50,000 TL (approximately 1,500 USD) to 200,000 TL (about 7,500 USD). The price depends on the hospital and the services included, but with the proper planning, you can find a care provider that suits your budget and preferences.

6. How a Doula Can Support Your Birth Journey

Navigating pregnancy and childbirth in a foreign country can be challenging, but having a doula by your side can make the entire experience much smoother and more reassuring. A doula provides continuous emotional, physical, and informational support throughout your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey.

From the earliest stages of pregnancy, a doula can help you understand the local healthcare system, offer personalized advice based on your birth preferences, and assist in creating a birth plan that aligns with your wishes. Doulas often act as a bridge between you and medical professionals, ensuring that your voice is heard and that you feel empowered to make informed decisions.

During labor, a doula offers practical comfort measures like massage, breathing techniques, and position changes to help manage pain and promote relaxation. Whether you are giving birth in a hospital or at home, your doula stays with you throughout the entire process, providing encouragement and reassurance.

In addition, for expats, doulas can play a crucial role in navigating cultural differences and language barriers. They can help with translation, explain medical terms, and ensure you understand every step of the birthing process. This constant presence provides a sense of stability and calm during what can be an intense and emotional experience.

After the birth, a doula continues to provide support during the postpartum period, helping with breastfeeding, newborn care, and emotional adjustment to parenthood. This holistic care ensures that you feel confident, supported, and cared for at every stage of your journey in Türkiye.

If you have any questions or need support with your birth journey in Türkiye, feel free to contact me today for a free consultation!

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